How to stay organized during your new construction or remodel

Your construction project is a little like a group project in school.

Remember doing big group projects in school? Some of us liked them and some of us hated them.

For me, group projects were hit or miss. If I knew and really trusted my fellow group members, great. Otherwise, a group project could be a major source of stress. Depending on people I barely knew for my final project grade was agonizing.

Not to mention the organization nightmare a group project can be, especially in the days before online collaboration. You had to coordinate schedules and try to find a time everyone could meet. Inevitably, there would be one person that just wouldn’t show up. You had to divvy up the tasks and put it all together, and there were often questions about who was supposed to work on what.

Your construction project is kind of like a group project.

Of course, there are some differences between a group presentation and a construction project. With your new construction or remodel, you are ultimately in charge; there’s no power struggle. You can pick your team, too.

But there are loads of similarities. When you’re building a new home, adding an accessory dwelling, or doing a remodel, you are working with a team. The stakes are high. And it’s absolutely critical to stay organized.

Fortunately, there’s technology to keep everything in one place.

New Avenue provides a free, digital “home base” for every project. In case you haven’t seen it, here’s what it looks like:

This page keeps all your proposals, invoices, design documents, and agreements in one place. It keeps you, your family, the designer, and the contractor all on the same page. It keeps everything clear for everyone. And it serves as a critical record of everything — every message, every payment, every document.

Our technology is how we serve you better. It’s why we are more efficient and more predictable than any other design/build company.  

No more worrying about your process. We’ll keep you organized.


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